Abandoned Farm house on the Sold Murray Plains My first oil study for 2010 . I came across these old buildings as I was driving along on a dirt road that was little more than a track on the way to the Murray River.
Friday, December 18, 2009
" Studio Visitor" Oil 40x30 The dove in this painting landed on my friend's palette getting paint everywhere as he was busy painting away.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Swan Reach Dawn" Oil 90x60 2009 A cold morning with a rising mist created a lovely atmosphere that I couln't resist. Recieved Merit award Port Art show
"Morning on the Light River" Kapunda Sold Oil 75x75 Nov.2009 A view of the Light River during the 2009 Harvest. This was about 9 am looking into the sun on a slight hazy day.
I have been painting for many years and like other Artists there is this constant challenge to make the next painting the best ever. I find that the search for subject matter is almost as enjoyable as doing the painting itself. Most of my paintings are of the South Australian countryside that are painted with the palate knife or a combination of knife and brush.